第一集 菊花獨白在幹嘛?同行者又在做什麼?

什麼是菊花獨白?到底在幹嘛?台灣同行者互助協會秘書長美瑜來說說~歡迎收聽~ 🔎 FB:菊花獨白 本集使用音樂「月光海灘」Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) 依據知識分享授權:依歸屬 4.0 授權



Yating: Welcome to the first episode of The Anus Monologues podcast. Hello everyone, my name is Yating.


Meiyu: I am Meiyu


Yating: Please introduce yourself first.


Meiyu: I am Meiyu, and I am the secretary-general of the Hand In Hand Association of Taiwan, so I am the bell ringer and the principal, like this


Yating: Why are you doing it upside down? Didn’t they put the principal first?


Meiyu: I think my self-identity mainly lies in helping people, and the secretary-general is just incidental.


Yating: Oh, that’s right. Okay, please introduce first. What kind of association is the Hand In Hand Association of Taiwan?


Meiyu: The Hand In Hand Association of Taiwan was established in 106. It was me and a group of graduate school classmates and some of my partners in physical and mental studies. From then on, we have been I want to say, how can we integrate these mainstream methods that we have learned in ourselves, which are not ordinary, and are directly recognized in the helping profession, for example, and how can we integrate it into our work? In terms of the way we want to serve people, other civil society organizations and government units may not understand or directly agree with the methods we know. So even if I have to go to work somewhere else today, It may be difficult for me to use these methods, because I have no way to convince my supervisor. So we just want to say, then we will set up an association ourselves.


Yating: What were some of the difficulties you encountered when you first started working on drug addiction?


Meiyu: I think one is a social worker. When you see a problem that has been so difficult for so long in front of you, then I turn over and over again in my head. What I learned in school before, I can’t find the answer to. Answer, he said, for example, I once met a father whose child took drugs, and he asked me why Meiyu’s life is so painful? I thought about all the psychology and social work fields that I could imagine, but there was no answer within the major. Then, because I was working in a religious group, I saw that religion seemed to have some potential, and all the drug rehabilitation groups Almost everything behind it is religion. I told him, the question you asked me, why do people suffer and why do they want to live? Only religion has the answer, so I told him, let’s try religious methods. I was This is the method used. But as I was doing it at that time, I seemed to gradually have a feeling that we seemed to be asking the friend who took the medicine, the friend who fell away, and then we accompanied him to strengthen his mind and let his body slowly recover. He is healthy and can work and make money, but his living environment has not changed. I actually started to reflect on the company that we have worked hard to accompany. Our friends who came to ask for help wanted to know if there were some obstacles in his life that he could not pass. The part where his abilities are insufficient, so we accompany him to go through these levels, and then accompany him to make his abilities better. But at the same time, are we pushing him back to the part that made him sick and made him sick? He fell into the difficult environment, because that environment has not changed, and our work actually requires him to find that your environment is very difficult! It’s very difficult for everyone! Then you have to get stronger, get stronger, and then go back and face your difficulties, but he will keep falling, and he will keep relapsing in the same whirlpool. Every once in a while, let him stop taking the medicine, and finally he will stop. , but he encountered similar difficulties again, and he fell again. At that time, I was thinking, what kind of thing are we doing? We took good care of the person, and then we asked him to go back. , so he fell again. In fact, I have always wondered if there is something wrong with us. What kind of job is this? We have to convince our friends who come for help that you are not good, you need to grow up, and you need to change. Be strong, because this is how society is, and you are the one who should change, and you are the one with the problem. When I saw the dilemma of this method, I started to think about it, is it possible for us to use another method?


Yating: What is the method you are currently doing?


Meiyu: Hand In Hand Association of Taiwan actually have two major jobs now. One is the work on gender human rights, and the other is the work we need to accompany. The drug addiction companionship was actually our working partner at the time. It just started, taking drugs, and then we wanted to say this


Yating: It sounds a bit strange to start taking drugs right now! ?


Meiyu: I think life is like, sometimes you don’t know what kind of difficulties you will encounter, and then you don’t know what will come in front of you. We just want to say okay, then let’s use our own Life experience, and then promoting drug addiction services, will be the main idea of ​​our group of good friends to think about how to do this work. Then we applied for a fund from the government in the first three years, and then after doing it Well, we ourselves have some new insights, and then we also see our current government system, where does it want to go. For example, most of the current work related to drug addiction is in the medical field, or in the field of psychological services. For example, as a social worker, when we meet a friend who takes drugs, we will tell him, OK, then you go to the addiction treatment clinic or go to the hospital to see the addiction treatment clinic. If you have some comparisons in your heart, It’s too complicated, so if you go to a psychologist, what exactly are we social workers going to do?


Yating: It feels like the social worker is just making phone calls


Meiyu: Make a phone call and ask if anyone is willing to provide their services, and they have to be cheap and free, because in fact, I think these services are very expensive. If you use these professionals for real In terms of providing these services, in fact, we ordinary people, you and I, cannot afford them, so we have to find these services, but it is not just about affording this matter, but also the fact that we are not used to it, like you, for example Say you encounter a problem in life today, what would you do?


Yating: To pray


Meiyu: Right? When you encounter problems, are unhappy, and have difficult choices, you will go to pray, or even go to a fortune teller. Then when will you find a psychologist or a social worker?


Yating: Probably not there yet


Meiyu: Probably not needed yet. Yes, for you, there is no such option in your life. But for other people who are in trouble in life, it is actually very awkward for you to suddenly ask them to use these options. I think they Who is it! Does he understand what I’m saying? I think that is very unaccustomed! Especially my own heart is where I feel it is difficult or trapped. I feel that it is not an easy task. For example, I often help our friends who receive services arrange outpatient services and see doctors. His boss would give me the time and the psychologist’s time that day, so he wouldn’t show up. Yes, it’s just that he’s really not used to it! Then we have to spend a lot of effort to convince him that you should use this resource! Then why don’t we just turn around and think about the resources that are already in his life, which are very life-like and approachable? Or there are friends around him who are very willing to listen to him, and some good doctors assist him with some various methods. We will go back to these things to think about what it will look like, and we can make these methods become yes. When he encounters difficulties, he remembers to go back and use these methods. Yes, this is a very important direction when we are serving.


Yating: It means that when he encounters something, he knows that he can find this way to seek help.


Meiyu: That’s right, and he is the one who remembers that thing, he can do it! They were already in use, right at the entrance of his house. It’s like a ghost beating a wall. Sometimes when a person falls into a certain predicament, you can’t see all the resources around you. So when we are around him, then we remind him, isn’t it the one next to him? Aren’t you familiar with this? Give it a try. In this way, when he gets close and uses these methods, he won’t feel so difficult and unable to move even an inch, or he will remember that this is the original me, isn’t it? He will be more confident.


Yating: It means that when he encounters something, he knows that he can find this way to seek help.


Meiyu: Just try various methods, because when I invested in this field more than ten years ago, there was no method at that time. Your friends will share with us. At that time, they just went to the hospital to give you injections and let you sleep. After ten days, you are no longer addicted, but you continue to take drugs after you are released. The way to detoxify at that time is like this. The probability of relapse is very high, and then they feel that there is no help, or they will go to jail. But after being imprisoned, we also know that after he was released, he continued. He even met more drug addicts and friends who took drugs there, and he knew where to buy more drugs and where to use them.


Yating: Instead,Thay gained new knowledge.


Meiyu: To graduate school, yes, so I thought there were other methods. At that time, everyone was looking for them, so I looked for various methods that could be used in other topics. Method, then I brought him into drug addiction. For example, what I mainly did at that time was to accompany drug users or family members. Then we wrote some plans, and then in the plan, because I It’s a Buddhist group


Yating: Was it a Buddhist group at that time?


Meiyu: Yes, I was a Buddhist group at the time, okay, so I tried to incorporate religious things. It seemed that the director of my organization could accept this. Then those subsidy units thought that we were a religious group, which seemed understandable. This matter, whether it is meditation, taking some Buddhist courses, or I also wrote at that time, such as shaman courses, drumming and chanting, and hypnosis courses, I have included these, and now There are more and more people doing these methods, but at that time, almost no one was actually using this method, because not many people knew these methods. Then in this field, no one used this method, at least. This is the case in China, but of course the methods abroad are very diverse. Later, I began to feel that the things I could do as a social worker were too limited, so I started to look for what kind of tools and methods of companionship I could add, and then this The method of companionship is to be around the lives of our friends. Then, because I was working in a religious group at the time, I saw that it seemed that behind all drug treatment units were religious groups, I thought it was It’s not that this religion has any special effects, so I went to graduate school at that time. When I was in graduate school, I got to know other complementary therapies, such as essential oils, flower essences, and massage. Okay, then I want to learn all these things, and then we can use myself to provide free and cheap methods to those nearby, and provide us with these methods to stabilize his body and mind. These friends, instead of letting them, go to whoever you go to. Even if you prepare for him, he will not come. That is not the way he is familiar with, and he does not know that person. Tell him to go. I don’t think it’s easy to talk to a strange person and use a strange method, and then open up my heart and talk about some of his difficulties. On the contrary, if I have these abilities, then I can be very direct. The way of mixing and matching can then be used directly in the process of accompanying us like this.


Yating: Well, Meiyu, can you tell me, are there any group courses currently being conducted by Hand In Hand Association of Taiwan?


Meiyu: Okay, for our drug addiction section, we currently have two group courses going on. One is the Positive health group, which are provided to HIV-infected people who want to quit drug addiction. A group that has been with us for a long time, this year the Positive health group has come to its sixth year. This year is the sixth year. Then it went from gathering every week to once a month now, because we later started to gather from Phra Another course has grown up in the group, called The Anus Monologues. The Anus Monologues is a power-building workshop that allows those of us who have been in the group to stay with us for a relatively long time and be relatively stable. With these friends, he can have another space and opportunity for development, Because in the Positive health group, we are mainly in the same stratosphere and of the same type. When we meet friends in similar situations and situations, we all get together and support each other, listen to each other, and then find solutions together. At that time, there was actually some encouragement for our partners to use their own expertise, or time to accompany other people who were also suffering, such as volunteering in a rehabilitation home, or going to a community college. I share my story, but I always feel that it is possible to take a step forward. On the one hand, there are some partners in the Positive health group, and their addiction recovery status is not very stable. It’s just that sometimes he may get emotional, or the state of drug addiction may come back, or there may be some big or small things in his life that leave him helpless. That is, the courses I often prepare cannot be used, so he needs to Stop, then come back, and listen to what is going on. There are some people, and he is ready to move forward. Of course, he is also very willing to support his friends in the Positive health group, but there is another driving force in his life that he hopes to further search for. What will let him The cycle of life difficulties is endless. What is the reason for being trapped here? So we later thought, OK, then we will open another course. On the one hand, it will make these partners who want to move forward in their lives have a place where they can continue to develop. On the other hand, , we also open the very hard shell of this stratosphere, and then after opening it, different people can come together to get close to and understand the people involved in these issues, and even those around them who have similar situations of oppression. Experience, nameless experience, they also have the opportunity to come here to listen to other people’s stories and share their own stories, because I think maybe when we are in trouble again, we will often have similar problems, or different problems. It seems like infected people, drug addicts, and comrades live in another bubble that has nothing to do with you, but when we sit together, see each other, and then hear him speak with our own ears , you will find that we may not be so close, but we may not be so far either! Then I think that through that process, we can talk to different people together, and then listen to each other and practice being brave to approach each other. Then is it possible for us to walk this path together? I think that empowers us. In fact, we are doing this, and that path is possible.


Yating: May I ask Meiyu to tell you about The Anus Monologues, how did the name come about? Does he have an idea that he wants to convey?


Meiyu: When we were running a drug addiction group, we actually restricted it at the beginning, which was gender-friendly, because we found that many of the people who came were gay, but the people who came later were all gay men, and of course the planning and design of our courses , it will begin to move towards the composition of partners and its needs. Then when we developed Juhua, we also thought of, well, what is the most stigmatized label for gays? If we talk about drama, for example, girls already have vaginal monologues, and then even penis monologues, but what is it for gays? We later thought it was anus, but talking about anus directly was too rude, and yes, it was too restrictive. I felt that the word anus was very restrictive and strong, so he didn’t have any room for association, so I later wanted to say So what kind of word can be synonymous with anus, but it also has some room for expression, so later I thought it would be chrysanthemum, because everyone, at least in Taiwan, knows that chrysanthemum is anus. It just means that we will use cute. When we face something that is difficult to understand, we will call it cute. Yes, so what the chrysanthemum represents is not just what we find difficult to talk about, what no one wants to hear, see, or touch, those issues, sounds, or events of inner life, And at the same time, we also hope that it can be transformed like a chrysanthemum, which is also very colorful, fragrant, and a very beautiful state of existence. We just want to say, okay, then we are in this concept, how do we do it? At the same time, we should also extend to those stories in our lives, those life stories that cannot be told, those that cannot be explained clearly, and you don’t know what happened, but you are suffering from them, So is it possible for us to find out and sort out this matter together in this course, and even turn over and transform these suffering experiences into fertile ground for us to live a good life together?


Yating: Could you please tell me about the center of The Anus Monologues and some of the contents it covers?


Meiyu: In the first year of The Anus Monologues, we actually didn’t know what we were going to do! Ha ha! It’s not that I don’t know! We have already discussed that we use these characteristics of each other, and after we were in the Payang Group in the past, and then left, I think this drama method is a very good way, and then we also have our working partners , we started to learn the performance methods of One Person One Story, Theater of the Oppressed, and then improvisational theatre, and then we thought about whether it was possible to use drama in a relatively safe way and then sort it out to get closer to each other. So The Anus Monologues Workshop is actually a drama training method, focusing on drama. This year we will add a writing part, because I think it is important to let the story appear more completely. This story refers to each of our students. What kind of story does he want to tell? What kind of relationship does he want to maintain with this story? What does he want the people who hear it to think about? Do we have any ideas? Maybe in this process, you can be yourself and work together to achieve this thing. I think this thing will actually make us more powerful and allow this voice to spread to more different places. Then go further afield.


Yating: So much of what Meiyu shared just now is about accompanying these partners. So, has your relationship with your partners, or your use of these new methods, ever been questioned because of this? Questioning: As a social worker, how can you do this? Why don’t you use what you learned in school? And now you are like this, you are not professional at all!


Meiyu: For example, taking our friends to drink talisman water? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, that is, we really use more. It is difficult for you to imagine a method that a social worker, a psychologist or a doctor, a helping worker will use, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life, but you are living in life. China is full of these things. For example, as we just mentioned, when we encounter difficulties in life, we go to pray. When we go to pray, we sometimes have to pray for changes. When we pray for changes, sometimes you will drink talisman water, and then you will also have a blessing when you go to a Buddhist temple. The Great Compassion Water may help you purify here and there, or use incense to wrap around your body, etc.! I think these are very life-like things, but why do we regard these things as unscientific and useless when we call ourselves professionals, instead of making good use of them? In particular, it is part of the life culture of our service recipients. It already has ways to help each other and ourselves. However, when we become professionals, we do not use these methods, but use another set. In fact, Our service friends are not familiar with things, and they also find them very awkward. Then I think that in retrospect, I think it is acknowledging this matter and admitting that we should see it more broadly in our own helping profession. Our service recipients, our friends, what services they really want and what their needs are. Even if we say it with our own conscience, when you encounter difficulties, you will be the first one to go to them. Is he a psychologist?


Yating: No.


Meiyu: Go to see a doctor first?


Yating: Absolutely not!


Meiyu: Not even a social worker? It won’t be out of your life options at all, this is normal!So how can we ask our friends who receive services to use these services? I think it is, but it is some things in daily life, and he will feel more like, even if I don’t have these social workers, psychologists, and doctors around me, I know how to help myself, and these resources are at my side. It’s around you, and it’s very cheap. You don’t have to spend too much money or put too much pressure on it. And you have to think about the people who go to the temple to worship. His life will not be better than yours. You are not the worst. Oh! Then you won’t feel like there’s something stuck on you like I can’t do anything, I’m a very failure, and there are more people who don’t know how to say goodbye than failures. Their lives are filled with all kinds of unsolvable problems, so If he goes, so do we! yes!


Yating: But do you think that if you use these methods now, people will not question you and say that you are just an aunt who takes people To pray?


Meiyu: I think we need to expand our major, that is, how do we truly understand the matter of helping others? There is not only one method, so when we start to learn a method of helping others, do we Can’t we learn the second, third, and fourth kind? Are we going to be trapped by this so-called identity of helping others? Think about it, I didn’t hurt anyone! I didn’t let anyone hurt me either! So tell me what exactly I violated the profession of helping others.


Yating: Maybe to pray in your working time, hahaha!


Meiyu: We are here to build relationships with neighbors in the community. This is also necessary in our service projects, including the police station, the district chief, and the local temple! Everyone should have a good relationship. You have to know that these are very important forces in our society, the forces of stability, and the forces of accompanying each other. In fact, in people’s lives, our relationship with neighbors, or in other words, This kind of everyday thing, I think that’s life. It’s something very unusual compared to what social workers, psychologists, and doctors say in a small room.


Yating: It’s a very stiff thing!


Meiyu: Maybe you have that kind of experience, maybe you can take incense and  to pray, and talk a little more, right. And there will be more than one room, right? Every time you go to a temple, you must worship. How many people are like this, and then every year they have to worship a bright lantern or something.


Yating: When you promoted a relatively new method like The Anus Monologues, last year was already the first year. Have you compared the past two years? Have you encountered any challenges or difficulties?


Meiyu: In fact, when I was in my first year, I wrote a lot of plans and went around looking for money, but I couldn’t find any money. Then I even sent it to a Chinese National Science School for planning. The committee member at the meeting said, you have been saying that the social system is not good, and there are problems with this method, so why do you come to apply for money from us? Hahahahahaha! But I think he also pointed out a very realistic thing, which is that this method, at least in China, has not yet been understood, and there are still very few people using this point of view, but we know that this method is used in different countries. In fact, it has been very commonly used, especially in the marginalized and minority oppressed issues. In fact, it seems that at present, In fact, the results were not shown in China, so we, the fellow travelers, had to raise our own funds at that time. Because we were a very small group, it was very, very difficult to raise our own funds for a complete plan. Then later on, fortunately, we had that fundraising platform to raise funds with us, so we were able to raise tens of thousands of dollars, and then combined with our organization’s self-raised funds, we finally built a website in the first year, and then there were With the help of Dream Together, we contacted an Internet celebrity named Xiangling, who came to do an interview with us, so we made a video, and then had two performances, online curation, Physical curation and so on. With the accumulation of these things, friends who don’t understand what we are doing, and we ourselves gradually understand, it turns out that this matter will develop like this, or what we are doing, When our partner said in the film, I hope there can be a world where we can be ourselves and say what we want without worrying about being denied or rejected by others, and then being discriminated against by others. Zi, when he said this, I think he said something very important, which is the atmosphere we create in Chrysanthemum, and the world we want to create, the relationship between people. In a real relationship, is it possible for us to be so kind and support each other? When faced with common or individual difficulties in our lives, in the second year, I feel that there is a difference in the first year. When it comes to the basics, in the second year we will be more confident in knowing where the bugs were in the first year. In the second year, we will start to adjust the entire course content, or adjust the way we present the performance. But even so, the funding is still very difficult. This year is still better than last year, but we are still waiting and don’t know what will happen in the end, because this year’s funding is actually not enough, and because our course should It is one of the very few. It is longer than the school curriculum. You know the school curriculum is only sixteen to eighteen weeks. We have twenty classes, and each of the twenty classes lasts two and a half hours, and we have gone through eight Month, eight months of course, in such a long time, I don’t know how many partners we will have to get to the end together, and then together we can have a more solid and interactive accumulation, I I don’t know what that work will look like in the end. Because where can we go, and how many members can get here, I am actually not small. I think this is still a big challenge, and another thing is that every year I don’t know what we will do in the end. Things come out. For example, last year we obviously focused on AIDS, drug addiction, gender, and stigma issues. Then we thought about whether we would come up with an issue about drug addiction or disease, but we didn’t. We would come up with an issue about sexual assault. In the end, we all came up with an issue about sexual assault. I was also surprised, but I There is no way to say more. Our partner jointly decided that he only wanted to tell the story here. Later, he decided to stay. In the second year, is it possible that we can tell a more complete story in the second year? Put the puzzle together, I don’t know, Because of what this year will be like, what kind of story the partners are willing to tell, and how close that story is to them, it is up to them to decide, or from which angle they want to tell another story. Of course, we are inside these stories, and we all know that they are actually all connected, but what do people on the outside see?


Yating: Especially this year, there are many new partners joining us, right? This year’s partners from diverse backgrounds


Meiyu: Yes, there are more partners this year, whether they are in the field of helping others, or they may have religious or educational backgrounds, and of course there are also those we just talked about, such as AIDS, drug addiction, and sexual minorities. We all have partners, yes, and I think the level and depth of the dialogue, after the accumulation in the first year, will definitely go to more different levels this year. Did you know? It’s just that we don’t have a previous model to tell you where this road will go. There is no answer. This matter is actually very puzzling.


Yating: It should not be allowed in modern society


Meiyu: Yes! Because our performance is that if you work on this case, you must achieve the performance you want! No, in our case, because we have to go back to each person’s life and let his life decide for himself whether he is qualified to tell a story like that at this time, yes, so I think this It is also always challenging unknown things, always full of challenges, but I think his, then I have also seen that this matter will indeed take us forward, but which way will lead us to which way? Road, this is left to everyone to decide.


Yating: Finally, is there anything else Meiyu wants to say, or what are your expectations for this year? Or you want to summarize or appeal, or something like that.


Meiyu: I think this is the case. For non-profit organizations, especially mini-type groups like ours, super small groups that are both door-keepers and bell-ringers.


Yating: Where is the principal? You have to take care of the gate and ring the bell, and there is no principal


Meiyu: As far as non-profit organizations are concerned, we have many bosses, managers and supervisors. It’s like a truckload.


Yating: Like this, like this


Meiyu: Yes, we try to create a lot of things that cannot be done with money, because when we sincerely interact with people under very limited resources, I think we will naturally have a group of like-minded people. Then he is willing to do his best at this time to complete this thing with you that he thinks is great and important. Then I would very much hope that many people can listen to these works together and have conversations with us, and of course, what is even better is that they can join us, whether to support us or to join these works. Courses, or coming to see some of our performances, I think this is what we really want to achieve, the process of dialogue, so that more people can start to open themselves up, and then listen to different stories and talk about them. Tell your own different stories.


Yating: OK. Thank you everyone for listening to the The Anus Monologues podcast today! Thank you for your hard work, Meiyu.


Meiyu: Thank you

雅婷:謝謝大家的收聽,那我們下次見喔,bye bye

Yating: Thank you everyone for listening, see you next time, bye bye



