第二集 菊花好朋友來囉~~ 蚊子&檸檬



本集使用音樂「月光海灘」Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
依據知識分享授權:依歸屬 4.0 授權



Yating: Welcome to the Sec. episode of The Anus Monologues podcast. I am Yating.


Meiyu: I am Meiyu. Today we invited two very important partners in The Anus Monologues workshop. One of them is an old friend that I have known for more than ten years, and the other one is because of the relationship with this old friend. And if I have the opportunity to get to know her again, I’ll let them introduce themselves first, so as not to have to wait and talk too much. OK, please~


Wentz: I am Wentz


Ningmeng: I am Ningmeng


Meiyu: Wentz & Ningmeng. Thanks! Welcome to the scene, and you can hear the voices of them. Now the voices is very different, because they don’t know why, but it seems that every time, I have noticed that mosquitoes are facing this kind of thing every time, no matter it is When it’s a microphone or a camera, it becomes like this, you know?


Wentz:After all, I am people- excited, and there are too few viewers here.


Meiyu: is that so? Okay, can you please introduce the two of us, Wentz? Do you still remember how we met, and how The Anus Monologues was produced? Do you still remember what happened at that time?


Wentz: Do you mean how the two of us met?


Meiyu: Yes, how did we two meet?


Wentz: This is quite impressive to me. It was a class at a certain research institute, and it was the first time for us to take that class. Then he went to Tamsui to take classes. Then I didn’t know Meiyu, and then, but what? He gave me a recorder and asked me to sit in front and record it for you! Who are you? I don’t know you, so I was recording, and the teacher asked who this recorder belonged to. Did he say it could be recorded? It turns out you never asked the teacher! So I am very impressed by this person.


Yating: No matter what happened, she had to make a collision and step on the boundary to see what would happen, but this time she handed over the fuse to another person.


Wentz: I’m not brave enough to say no, it’s her


Meiyu: you don’t say


Wentz: I am a person who does not have the courage to speak out


Meiyu: Well, we have actually cooperated for many years. Can Wentz also talk about it, because I have never heard you say that from Positive health group to The Anus Monologues, what was the transformation or the process for you? What have you been through?


Wentz: I think the change is because the theme of The Anus Monologue is more diverse, and the members are also more diverse, so because of that diversity, we seem to be able to talk about issues from various angles, and then understand each other’s experiences from various angles. What, then the Positive health group is more like a group of us who have the same experience, and then the feeling of supporting each other, and then The Anus Monologue , maybe more of a group of us coming with our own stories, we have to do some what happened


Meiyu: Well, this year’s The Anus Monologue has actually been done for the second year, and you’ve also been working with the partner next to us, the partner you invited, for the second year, right?


Wentz: She? She is my drama teacher!


Ningmeng: Don’t mention it.


Wentz: Okay, since Wentz has already mentioned this matter, let’s take the lemon next step, and then you can talk about it, introduce yourself, and then also talk about the experience of cooperation between you and Wentz. .


Wentz: yes! Like, I have a question that I really want to ask Ningmeng. When I invited Ningmeng, I didn’t expect that you would accept the invitation so easily.


Ningmeng: Oh~ I also think it’s amazing, because I was usually the one who took the initiative to invite people or wanted to do something. In fact, very few people used this method. If I use the human diagram, my bones were loud at that time. Cheers: Go ahead! Go for it! Then when you invited me, your eyes were shining, and what you said also made me feel very excited, even though I spoke very quickly, and it was not a very quiet place in 7-11, and then Although I didn’t quite know what to do at that time!


Wentz: At that time, we had no idea what we were going to do!


Meiyu: What did you tell her then?


Ningmeng: In fact, we seem to be talking very quickly, so I’ll just say it! OK! Then we started chatting, and I might feel again whether we were compatible partners, yes. Then when he told me about it at that time, I felt that he was excited, and then I felt that if it was something that would make Things that make people excited are fun things, and I have no reason to say no, and then on top of that, right! When I was a drama teacher, I felt like I had to support my students.


Meiyu: How did you say it at that time? Because I remember that we should have mentioned to you at that time that our funding was actually very unstable, and it was actually not much in the end, so I was actually quite surprised that he was still willing to take over for the second year. , but I really want to know how Junwen talked to him about this matter at that time?


Wentz: I roughly said that our Positive health group is a group of AIDS&drug addicts, and then we want to step out, do more things, and then bring in the anus, which no one is talking about, and then at the end of the year there will be a show


Meiyu: Is it just so straightforward?

檸檬:恩,然後我就問說排練場在哪裡,他說應該是在那個中正紀念堂附近,然後我們就打開了google map然後去看一下,那個環境就是他說的那一條路,然後就講排練場,然後他有吞吞吐吐的,說到經費這件事,但是,因為我本來的工作就是用戲劇做倡議,那我也知道這樣的事情,大部分一開始就是經費都不會到位的,對,但是總要開始,所以就我本來不是會很在意,尤其是如果你是初期還不穩定的時候,經費不穩定也是合理的,所以如果是第一年我通常不會在意這個。

Ningmeng: Well, then I asked where the rehearsal venue was, and he said it should be near the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. Then we opened Google Maps and took a look. The environment was the road he mentioned, and then he talked about the rehearsal venue. , and then he was hesitant when it came to funding. However, because my original job is to use drama to advocate, I also know that most of the funds will not be in place from the beginning, yes, but You have to start, so I wouldn’t care about it at first, especially if you are in the early stage and it is not stable, it is reasonable for the funding to be unstable, so if it is the first year, I usually don’t care about it.


Wentz: So Ningmeng is not sure about the funding, so it’s not sure what the final performance will be, and where will it be? At that time, it was true that it was not so certain, so she accepted it.


Ningmeng: Yes, but to be honest, during the first class, I was very nervous,because I didn’t know who I would meet, what kind of atmosphere and feeling I would have, and when I arrived, I just stuck next to the mosquito and felt it, and then there was a class reunion. I remember that the first class was supposed to be a meet-and-greet and there was a similar workshop, and then the classmates came in and said I was sick~ Can I not announce it then? I am a low-key and shy person, and after about a minute, he started to shake his bottom!


Meiyu: I know who it is now


Wentz: Only he would do that


Yating: Only he! Only he!


Ningmeng: Yes, and then I slowly discovered that I was the only person present who didn’t know each other, and they just existed silently. Yes, I was quite surprised, but later on, everyone seemed to accept my existence very easily and quickly. In this way .


Meiyu: In your own past experience, for example, your more special groups like this, I know that you have also had similar enrollment situations in other friends who need help, whether it is physical or mental, you will feel that Are there any similarities between the people who come from The Anus Monologues and the people who are in other groups like you? Or what qualities do they have?


Ningmeng: If it is a general drama performance class, and some charge a lot of money, but there are many people signing up, or you are the main one, what I want to do is healing, oh! There are a lot of people, but if you want to start from the topic, I honestly think that in our group, or in the disability group I lead, we will get a different sense of healing in every class, but if you hold When you come here with the intention of being healed, you will forget what it is that you need to be healed in the first place, because the goal is set at the end instead of the beginning, so the healing will never end. Yes, you ended this time, and then that thing is still there, and then you continue to pursue the matter of healing. Therefore, this class will be easy to open and easy to recruit students.


Meiyu: So should we start classes like this next time?


Ningmeng: Eh? But if you are in need, you have to put in some effort to understand the issue. Then I think everyone is like, oh, I care very much, but I have to spend this time, I have to possibly show up, and then time is money! Even if I don’t have to pay to take classes, then I think everyone will evaluate it, and they may wait and see, or say that my support means that I will become an audience, which is possible, and then plus I think it is like AIDS poisoning, he Originally, it was relatively niche, so if you have relevant experience today, or you have had people who needed to accompany such people in the past, it may also be a relative pressure for them to come out.


Meiyu: Wentz? I see you have been thinking deeply


Wentz: Sorry, what was your question just now? My thoughtfulness means that I agree with what Ningmeng said.


Ningmeng: That is to say, are there any similarities or differences among different groups?


Meiyu: Yes! Because you have experienced many groups and participated in many different exercises, or participated with other partners.


Ningmeng: Yes! You’ve joined more drama groups than me!


Wentz: Maybe! I had done a few performances before, for families of caregivers of people with mental illness, and those performances made me decide not to work with that theater method anymore, because we only do performances, so every invitation They come and tell the story, and then you will know how hard, helpless and tired the caregivers are in their normal situation. We are just a performance, and we leave after the performance, but then, I remember that I was deeply impressed by several performances. Every time I finished them, I felt like I was consuming them. We are here to show you. We are a group of people who are good at acting. We can capture your stories~ But when you hear them finish After watching our performance, we returned to our seats with tired eyes.


Meiyu: I think your observation is quite detailed on this point, but I want to ask more, because I think this matter is very important. What you just said is that if you just invite them to tell their stories, or even let them perform Their own story, and then what they felt next was fatigue, but didn’t they gain something from that process? Tell me about your observations.


Wentz: I think there may be some expression, but when they return to the scene of their lives, the person they need to take care of is still there, so maybe just expressing their feelings will not be of much help to their lives, so I think Later, I was doing the Positive health group and the The Anus Monologues. Here, I saw that I wanted to do something more different. That is, we put many life issues here, and then, through our relationship with each other, we got The power is very different from just expressing my feelings. It is more powerful. I know that there will be a group of people here. I know that there are strangers in society who can understand me.


Meiyu: It sounds great! But actually I don’t know what he can bring to us in the second year of this year. In fact, we will also invite more students to share it later. , we actually have many students, and they also have experience in participating in different workshops. I remember last Friday, one of our students also mentioned to me, how could he think that he would be with him in The Anus Monologues? The experience of the previous workshops was actually very different. I hope we can have the opportunity to invite him to talk more about this in the future.


Yating: Everyone has really shared a lot today, and because of our time constraints, we have divided the exciting content into two episodes, so let’s stop here today! Then please continue to listen to our third episode! Goodbye everyone!


Meiyu&Wentz&Ningmeng: Goodbye!



